Finding a Stud

So you need to find a suitable mate for your female, but don't have a clue where to start! Well there's more to an excellent stud than his dashing good looks. In fact, there are quite a few factors to consider when thinking through a good match for your dam. As a responsible breeder, you should be more concerned about the stud's health and genetics than his blocky head or coloring.

Hopefully you've already performed the necessary testing on your bitch before seeking a stud. We have a great article with lots of information on the testing to be done prior to breeding. The bitch and stud should both have genetic screening to inform you of any inherited diseases or anything diseases for which they are carriers. They should obtain OFA screenings for all areas recommended for the breed. We believe all breedings should be between AKC registered dogs as this standard protects and preserves the integrity of the breed. Both dogs should be cleared by a vet before breeding. Last but certainly not least, check to see the degree of inbreeding for these particular dogs. Find a CoI (inbreeding coefficient) calculator and do your research before deciding on your stud!

You've figured out the important pieces ahead of time, now how do we get this wonderful litter of puppies conceived? There are two options: use chilled sperm from a donor stud or find a stud closeby and have them meet up naturally. Using donor sperm opens the door wide for possibilities but please work with your veterinarian during this process. If you can find a good stud nearby, you'll want to meet up during days 10-14 of your bitch's heat cycle. Pregnancy will likely occur even with one good tie between the dogs, but you may want to meet up 2-3 times during this window of time for the best chances of pregnancy. Make sure you have a clear, signed written agreement with your stud ahead of time stating the terms both parties agree to.Happy stud finding!


First Time Breeding: OFA & Health Checks


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